How to Clip, Trim & Groom a Yorkie

Maintaining the health and beautiful coat of a Yorkshire terrier takes time and dedication. These dogs can have three types of coat. The most well-known is the silky coat, which has no undercoat and is the easiest to groom. They can also have a long coat, the preferred show style for this breed. Yorkies can also have a cotton, or wooly, coat. These may have thick undercoats and should be combed twice a day to prevent or minimize matting. Because of this tendency to mat, the puppy cut is easiest to maintain on these dogs.

Things You'll Need

  • Wide-toothed Comb
  • Fine-toothed comb
  • Shampoo
  • Conditioner
  • Nail Clipper
  • Round-end scissors
  • Cotton Balls
  • Towels
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  1. Basic Bathing, Grooming, Clipping, and Daily Care

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      Gather the supplies you'll need in the area in which you'll bathe the dog. The small size of Yorkshire terriers makes it easy to bathe them in the kitchen sink. Comb through the dog's coat with your fingers, gently detangling any mats or snarls. Comb out the entire coat with a wide-toothed comb, starting at the ends of the hair and working up toward the dog's body.

      Yorkshire terriers are prone to tartar build-up on their teeth, so if you choose to brush your dog's teeth, do so before the bath. Consult your veterinarian regarding the best products to use for this, or just provide a chewing product to help keep the dog's teeth clean.

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      Fill your sink with about 6 inches of warm water. Place the dog gently in the water and wet him down thoroughly. Apply shampoo and gently work it in with your fingers, beginning near the head and working toward the tail. The Yorkie's face may be washed with a baby washcloth or small sponge, using a minimal amount of soap or plain water. Take care not to get water in the eyes, nose or ears. Rinse multiple times to be sure all the shampoo has been removed. Soap residue can dull the hair and may cause itching.

      Wash the dog's anal and genital areas using only water. Daily washing here will prevent stains and potential infections.

      Apply conditioner lightly, working it through the hair from head to tail. Rinse the dog several times.

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      Use only a round-ended scissors to trim your dog's coat.

      Remove any mucus from around the dog's eyes using a cotton ball dipped in warm water. Trim the fur around the dog's toes, foot pads and anus, using a round-ended scissors. Clip the hair from the dog's ears, starting at the tips and going down about one-third of the length of the ear. Any unusual odors in the ears should be brought to the attention of your veterinarian.

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      Wrap the dog in a towel and gently lift him out of the water, placing him on another towel. Do not rub the coat, just gently hold the dog to allow the towel to soak up most of the water.

      Use your fingers to comb through the coat and follow with a wide-toothed comb. Use a detangler if needed. Blowing the dog's hair dry is not required but if you choose to do so, use the lowest setting and don't hold the dryer too close to the dog. Once the coat is dry, comb out the coat once more.

    The Long Coat, the Puppy Cut, or the Schnauzer Cut

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      The long coat is the style most associated with Yorkies.

      Creating the long coat style on your Yorkie shows off their glowing hair to best advantage. Since the coat continuously grows, you need to periodically trim the ends to keep them off the ground. Brushing several times daily will keep the coat from tangling, and if you wish to show the dog you should wrap the ends to keep them in their best condition.

      A topknot and bow on the Yorkie's head is the hallmark of this style. Affix either one bow in the center or two on either side of the top of the head.

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      The puppy cut is best for Yorkies with soft coats.

      Choose the puppy cut if your Yorkie has a cotton or wooly coat because this type of hair mats easily, is harder to keep clean and breaks easily.

      Use round-ended scissors to evenly trim the hair all over the Yorkie's body and face into short layers. The advantage of this style is that it takes less grooming time. Comb out the coat every one or two days.

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      Create a Schnauzer cut by trimming the hair on the torso short and leaving the hair on the legs and face longer, shaping the typical Schnauzer "moustache" by leaving that hair longer than the rest of the facial hair and combing it downward. Comb out the coat every day or two.