How to Groom a Cardigan Corgi

Cardigan Welsh corgis are relatively easy-care dogs and only require simple grooming for maintenance. A good brushing once a week will keep your corgi in healthy coat and aid in keeping fur off your furniture. The corgi does not require frequent baths, but does have a double coat, so the use of a spray conditioner will help keep it from drying out, especially in colder months when the house is heated. Cardigan corgis shed their coats once a year in the spring. Feed your corgi a good quality food to reduce shedding year-round.

Things You'll Need

  • Bristle brush
  • Fine-tooth or greyhound comb
  • Dog shampoo
  • Hairdryer
  • Spray-on conditioner
  • Dremmel or nail clippers
  • Blunt-tipped scissors
  • Toothbrush
  • Canine Toothpaste
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      Bathe your Cardigan corgi once a month in the summer and every other month during the winter. Use an all-purpose two-in-one canine shampoo with conditioner. You won't need a separate conditioning treatment after bathing a corgi; it will soften the dog's naturally harsh coat too much. Instead, use a leave-on spray conditioner when grooming.

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      Let the corgi air-dry, or blow-dry slightly on a low setting with a hand dryer. Avoid drying a corgi coat completely; too much heat will dry it out.

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      Use a bristle brush on your dog's coat. A slicker may be used on the dog's legs. Brush in the direction the fur grows. A corgi coat is supposed to lie flat. Once the coat is dry, comb the coat with a fine-tooth or greyhound comb. Comb the dog's coat once a week during regular grooming to help remove any dead undercoat.

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      Trim the dog's nails using a Dremmel or nail clippers. Lay the dog on its back for easier access to nails and feet. Sit on the floor, and lay the dog between your legs to brace it while you work on the dog's feet. Trim the hair between the paw pads with blunt-tipped scissors, and trim any long hairs from the pasterns.

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      A simple grooming routine is all that a corgi needs.

      Brush the dog's teeth. Use a canine toothbrush or a child's soft toothbrush with a toothpaste made for dogs. Never use human toothpaste. Your corgi's teeth should be brushed at least once a week to keep its breath fresh and teeth white.