Things You'll Need
- Grooming clippers
- Clipper blades
- Spray or dunk germicide
- Toothbrush
- Paper towels
Remove the blade from the pet clippers. Wipe the clippers and the blade off with a clean dry paper towel.
Use the toothbrush to remove loose pet hair from the front and back of the clipper blade. Again, wipe the blade off with a clean dry paper towel.
Turn the blade over and slide the blade pieces out. It is a tight fit and must remain this way, so slide as gently as possible. Use a toothbrush and paper towels to remove all loose pet hair from the blade pieces.
Slide the clipper blade pieces back together carefully.
Attach the blade to pet clippers and turn it on. Spray the blade with germicide, turn off clippers and wipe the blade dry with clean paper towels. If you're using a jar of sanitizer, turn on the clippers and dunk the blade slightly into mixture and dry it.