Things You'll Need
- Pin brush
- Metal comb
- Detangling spray
- Whitening shampoo
- Ear cleaning solution
- Syringe
- Cotton balls
- File or nail clipper
- Blunt-nosed scissors
- Toothbrush and toothpaste
- Tear stain remover
Brush and comb your Maltese at least three times a week. Wet the dog's hair, or use a detangling spray to facilitate the brushing. Start with a pin brush, and switch to a metal comb after brushing.
Bathe your dog with whitening shampoo to maintain the appearance of the coat. Use conditioner, but make sure you rinse thoroughly. During heat cycles, wipe your dog's genital area daily with a sponge dipped in lukewarm water. Given that the Maltese is a toy dog, you won't notice a heavy flow discharge during her heat periods, but you can still invest in dog diapers suitable for your dog's size. The diapers absorb the discharge and keep the dog clean.
Clean your Maltese's ears using canine ear cleaning solution. Insert the solution with a syringe, and then massage the base of the ear. Allow your dog to shake her head. Then wipe off the excess solution. Avoid using cotton swabs, because the ear area is very sensitive and you can hurt your dog's eardrums. Clip the hair in the ears with a pair of blunt-nosed scissors, to prevent bacteria buildup and ear infections.
File your dog's nails after each bath. The water softens the nails so it's easier to file. Alternatively, clip the nails, but don't cut into the quick. Maltese dogs have white nails, and the quick is pink.
Clip the hair short around the genitals and anal area, using blunt-nosed scissors, to keep the urine and feces from sticking to the hair and irritating the skin. Long hair also facilitates the accumulation of bacteria, which can cause urinary infections. Female dogs are more prone to urinary infections, because they have a shorter urethra. Short hair in the genital area is also more hygienic in female Maltese dogs, which come in heat approximately twice a year.
Brush your Maltese's teeth at least once a week, to reduce plaque and eliminate tartar buildup. Use a canine toothbrush or a finger brush, which is a small rubber device you can place on one finger.
Use a tear stain remover if your Maltese has stains around her eyes. Dip a cotton ball in the tear stain solution, and gently wipe the area around the eyes.