Organic, Herbal Rinses
Organic herbs such as rosemary or calendula will condition your pet's fur and skin. As an added bonus; the herbs relieve irritated skin. To create an organic herbal rinse; bring two cups of water to a boil. Remove from the heat and add two tablespoons of dry rosemary or calendula leaves. Steep until water reaches room temperature. Pour the rinse over your dog's body. Alternatively, pour the solution into a spray bottle and spritz directly onto his skin. Gently massage the mixture onto your dog's skin, making sure to reach problem areas. Prevent your dog from licking his fur after application by placing him in an Elizabethan collar. Once the solution dries, brush him thoroughly and remove the collar.
Detangling Rinse
Knots and tangles may present an obstacle for pups with long hair. Instead of attempting to tackle the tangles with a brush; try a natural detangling rinse. Mix one teaspoon of all-natural, 100% Aloe Vera gel, two cups of water, and two or three drops of glycerin in a small bowl. Pour or spray the mixture onto your dog's body and rub it in thoroughly. Use a soft-bristled dog brush to gently bush out any knots while your dog's hair is still damp.
Apple Cider Vinegar Rinse
Odors; particularly skunk odors, are quite difficult to get out of a dog's fur. While you may have heard of the tomato juice remedy for skunk odors, it's far too messy and not economical. Apple cider vinegar, however, is a much less expensive in larger quantities and helps to remove the pungent smell almost immediately. Dilute 1 cup of vinegar with 1 cup of water and spray it on your pet as a natural deodorizing rinse. Repeat as necessary and add a few drops of fragrant essential oils to minimize the vinegar scent.
Essential Oils
Whether you're looking to moisturize your dog's coat, remove odor, or repel those pesky flies; there are numerous essential oils to get the job done. Olive oil helps to seal in moisture and relieve dry, itchy skin. Neem tree, eucalyptus, peppermint, and cedarwood oils are all subtle scents that repel bugs while also keeping your pet smelling pleasant and fresh. Mix a few drops of essential oil with one cup of cool water. After bathing, spray the mixture on your pet and allow the fur to dry completely.