How to Groom a Yorkie at Home With Clippers

Despite looking gorgeous while sitting on a pillow, Yorkshire terriers have a naturally long coat that many pet owners find unappealing during activities or outings. To maintain the natural look of the breed, Yorkshire terrier owners select a puppy cut, which replicates the even-length, short coat that naturally covers the entire body as it is growing into its full length. Using your own set of clippers at home reduces daily coat maintenance and the number of yearly professional grooming visits.

Things You'll Need

  • Dog grooming table with loop
  • Leash
  • Collar
  • Towel
  • Low-fat dog treats
  • Dog comb
  • Scissors
  • Dog-safe pet clippers
  • Appropriate sized clipper blade comb
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    • 1

      Place the towel on the upright grooming table to prevent the dog from slipping. Adjust the height of the grooming loop, gently keeping the dog's head in a comfortable standing position.

    • 2

      Place clean, dry dog onto the grooming table, immediately loop the grooming noose around the dog's neck, and offer the dog a treat.

    • 3

      Brush the dog's coat free from tangles and offer the dog a treat. Snip free any mats in the coat with scissors. This prevents the clipper blades catching on the mats.

    • 4

      Attach the appropriate sized plastic clipper blade comb onto the the metal clipper blade: the higher the size number the closer it cuts. Turn on the clippers a few feet away from the dog. Begin cutting at the base of the neck, and gently work your way towards the tail.

    • 5

      Clip the dog̵7;s hair in the direction the hair grows, completing the cut in sections: neck, front legs, back and sides, back legs and tail, and offer treats when the dog allows you to complete each section.