What Should I Comb My Toy Poodle With?

While toy poodles are significantly smaller than standard-size poodles, they typically have the same curly or corded hair that requires regular combing and brushing. If you choose to keep the toy poodle's hair short, it will require combing less often than long-haired poodles. Using high-quality combs and brushes to groom your toy poodle will make the job easier and more comfortable for your dog.
  1. Greyhound Comb

    • A variety of combs are available for grooming small dogs, but for a toy poodle you want to go with the greyhound comb. This is a special comb with both close- and wide-spaced teeth that is recommended for dogs with curly hair, such as poodles. Start off by combing your dog with the wide-spaced teeth to free up tangles and knots, then move on to the close-spaced teeth for more difficult tangles. Greyhound combs cost between $10 and $15 at pet supply stores. If you are unable to find this type of comb, you can purchase two combs -- one with wide-spaced teeth and one with close-spaced teeth.

    Pin Brush

    • A grooming pin brush costs between $5 and $10 depending on the quality and store you purchase it from. The pin brush is used both for daily brushing and for very difficult grooming jobs. If your toy poodle has excessive matted hair, the pin bush is ideal since the teeth are longer than other dog brushes, allowing them to reach down through the matted hair to the skin of your dog. This gives you the option of gently pulling out the matted and tangled hair from where it begins.

    Slicker Finishing Brush

    • Once the grooming is almost complete, you can finish off your toy poodle's fur by using a slicker finishing brush. This brush allows you to lift the fur from your dog to reveal its healthy and soft texture. It should be the last brush you use following grooming since it is not designed to remove mats or tangles, and is more effective on dry fur.

    Grooming Practices

    • You can make brushing and combing your toy poodle's hair a less-strenuous job by doing it regularly. Try to comb its hair at least once a day, especially after running in the yard or playing, which causes tangles. Use the greyhound comb before you bathe your poodle and afterward to remove difficult mats and knots in its curly hair, followed by the pin brush and lastly the slicker brush.