Can Dandruff Shampoo Cause Dog Hair to Fall Out?

Before you blame your dog's hair loss on dandruff shampoo, consider any underlying health conditions. For example, seborrhea is a disease that causes hair loss and has symptoms very similar to dandruff, including dry, flaky skin. Make sure any product you use is made for dogs; human formulas can be too harsh or have the wrong pH balance. Also consult your veterinarian if you notice dandruff as well as hair loss to prevent any illnesses from progressing.
  1. Human Dandruff Shampoos

    • Human shampoos rarely have the right ingredients for dogs' sensitive skin. While some groomers and veterinarians will recommend baby shampoo for dogs because it is gentle and keeps skin soft, others will recommend avoiding human shampoos altogether for three reasons: ingredients, pH balance and sensitivity. Human shampoos, especially dandruff shampoos, are not formulated for dogs. However, dandruff shampoo, whether made for humans or dogs, rarely causes hair loss.

    Dog Dandruff Shampoos

    • Dog dandruff shampoos are formulated to prevent flaky, dry skin as well as soothe any itching the dog is experiencing. Ingredients that are beneficial to dogs with dry skin are oatmeal, zinc, salicylic acid and sulfur. If you notice hair loss when you use the shampoo correctly, chances are that the dog has an underlying health condition that needs veterinary attention.

    Other Dandruff Remedies

    • Bathing too frequently results in loss of natural oils in the coat and make flaky, dry skin worse; stick to once a month for best results. If the skin flaking is severe, it can lead to hair loss. Spray the dog's coat with an oil rinse or massage lotion into its coat to further moisturize it. Brush the dog often to remove dead skin and hair from the undercoat. Finally, consult your veterinarian about switching foods or adding oil and fats to your dog's food to eliminate dandruff.

    Diseases That Cause Hair Loss

    • Dogs can suffer from hormone-related diseases such as cortisol excess, hyperestrogenism or hypothyroidism. Symptoms of these diseases include dry, itchy skin and flaking that looks like dandruff. Other diseases include mange, dermatitis and ringworm, which also begin with signs of dry, crusty skin and flaking. If dandruff shampoo specially formulated for dogs doesn't alleviate your dog's flaking and you also notice hair loss, consult your veterinarian immediately.