Poodle Haircut Styles

The poodle has been around for at least four centuries and is native to Germany. It is known for its intelligence, train-ability and unique appearance. If you decide to own a poodle, be aware that regular grooming is necessary to preserve the beauty and health of the poodle's coat. There are many different options of clip styles depending on your lifestyle and the look you prefer.
  1. Puppy Clip

    • The American Kennel Club allows show poodles under 1 year of age to be shown with a puppy clip. The coat of the dog is kept long, with a shaved face and throat. The base of the tail and the feet are also shaved close, allowing the entire foot to be visible. There is also a round pompon at the tip of the tail. The hair on top of the head may be pulled into a ponytail.

    English Saddle Clip

    • This is an AKC-approved clip for adult dogs, in which shaved areas include the face and neck, feet, forelegs and base of the tail. This leaves a round pompon at the tip of the tail and puffs on the forelegs. The hair covering the dog's hindquarters is clipped short, with the flanks and hind legs close-shaven. The entire foot and some of the leg above the puffs are visible. The rest of the coat may be shaped to complement the shape of the dog, while the hair on top of the head is pulled into a ponytail.

    Continental Clip

    • The continental clip is another AKC-approved clip for show dogs over 1 year old. The legs of the dog are shaved, as well as the feet, base of the tail, face and throat. Rings of hair are left on the hind legs, and puffs start above the wrists on the front legs, ending just above the feet. Optional pompons are shaped into spheres on the hips. The rest of the coat is left very long but snipped into shape to bring balance to the cut. A modified version of this clip may exclude the pompons on the hips.

    Sporting Clip

    • In some classes of the AKC and in some non-competitive shows, poodles may be shown with a sporting clip, in which the face, neck, feet and base of the tail are shaved, leaving a pompon at the end of the tail and a shaped cap on top of the head. The rest of the coat is clipped to no longer than 1 inch, to follow the shape of the dog's body.