How to Groom Poodles for Confirmation Shows

Poodle clips are probably the most complex of all dog grooming clips. The conformation show ring only recognizes three types of clip, and poodle owners spend big money on having their dogs groomed to meet those specifications. The clips were originated when poodles were used as retrievers and had to swim in cold water. Their owners realized that they dried off quicker if parts of their body were clipped, and leaving the hair long on other parts helped keep them warm. Adventurous owners can learn how to clip their poodles for the show ring themselves.

Things You'll Need

  • Shampoo
  • Dryer
  • Clippers
  • Blades
  • Scissors
  • Rounded shears
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    • 1

      Wash your poodle with a gentle shampoo before all clips. Rinse her well to ensure that all the soap is completely removed. Soap residue can cause itching and dry skin. Condition minimally as conditioner will make the fur too soft for the clippers. Dry the fur with a dryer on low heat while brushing it up to make the fur stand up off the coat.

    • 2

      Cut the nails. Dogs' toenails have flesh inside them and if you cut them too short you can cause your dog pain. If your dog has light colored nails you may be able to see where the quick reaches, but this is not possible with black nails. Be cautious with nail clippers.

    • 3

      Select a number 10 blade for the Puppy Clip. Clip a ring around the base of the tail, the width of the clipper blades. Shape the remaining fur on the tail into a rounded pompom with scissors. Clip around the legs just above the feet the width of the blades, and clean shave the face. The rest of the coat must be left long, but you can shape it and cut off straggly hairs with scissors. This clip is only approved in the conformation show ring for poodles under one year old.

    • 4

      Clip the base of the tail, feet, and face as you would for the puppy clip for the Continental Clip. A number 15 blade will create a closer shave than a number 10 blade. Clip the hind legs from the hocks upward, and the rump behind the "mane", leaving round tufts of long fur over the hips. Clip the forelegs above the "knees" to where the legs meet the body.

    • 5

      Scissor the tail and hip tufts into pompoms. Round the fur left below the knees to make "puffs" and the long fur left below the hocks on the hind legs to make "bracelets". Round the mane and topknot a little. Curved shears work best to graduate the long hair of the mane into the neck and shaved head. This is a very difficult clip to learn.

    • 6

      Shave the feet, face, and base of the tail for the English Saddle Clip. Clip the forelegs above the "knee" joints with the razor. Shave a narrow band around the hock on the hind legs to create the bracelets. Leave the fur long above this to make an extra pompom just above the hock.

    • 7

      Trim the fur on the rump with scissors, but do not shave it. The hind quarters fur should be shorter than the mane in a smooth "blanket". Round the pompom on the tail, the puffs on the forelegs, and each of the two bracelets on both hind legs. Blend the mane hair into the neck with curved shears and shape the topknot.