Probably the most important aspect of grooming a German shepherd for show is the coat. In addition to being healthy, shiny and well-trimmed, the coat should be dense, harsh and lying close to the body for an overall smooth look without hard angles. Start with a bath and use a shampoo that adds body. Avoid using conditioner, but lightly sponge evening primrose oil or wheat-germ oil onto the body. Blow-dry the coat, brush it out and then apply cream that adds volume to the coat.
The nails of a German shepherd show dog will be closely examined by the judges. They grow quickly and should be trimmed regularly to avoid damage. Shortly before the show they should have a final trim, and all the hair that can grow on them should be cut and trimmed.
A German shepherd should have its teeth and gums checked regularly. The best way to maintain a healthy mouth and eliminate bad breath is with the use of dental chews. Not only will the German shepherd enjoy them, but they clean the teeth and kill germs and bacteria.
The ears of the German shepherd can be prone to attracting moisture -- a breeding ground for mites and a cause of unsightly infections. Take care when bathing the German shepherd not to let the ears get wet. Check them regularly for signs of infection or build-up.