Pomeranian Hair Care

The Pomeranian or Pom, is a tiny dog that originated in the region of Pomerania, which was situated in areas of present-day Poland and Germany. The dog is outgoing and alert. Pomeranians have double coats (two layers of hair), that come in numerous colors and patterns, but are most commonly shades of red and orange. The hair of a Pomeranian requires regular brushing, bathing and trimming.
  1. Pomeranian Coat and Shedding

    • The undercoat of a Pomeranian is soft and abundant; the outer coat is thick, long and harsh-textured. Poms go through a shedding period when they are between five and six months old. By the time they are eight or nine months old, their coats are fully grown. At the age of 12 months, Poms shed their adult coats. After this first shedding season, their gender determines future shedding. Because of hormonal changes, females tend to shed more when they come in heat. Female Pomeranians also shed after they give birth or if they are under stress. The coats of male Poms tend to be stable for life, but stress or anesthetics may cause shedding. Groom your Pom more diligently when it is shedding.

    Necessary Tools and Products

    • Invest in quality tools and products for your Pom's grooming. You will need a comb, pin brush, scissors and thinning shears. Some owners use electric clippers to style their Pomeranians. Buy high-quality dog shampoo and conditioner. Should you notice any allergic reactions after bathing, switch to a different shampoo and conditioner.

    Regular Brushing

    • Mist the Pom's coat with water or conditioner before combing and brushing it. Comb through the Pom's coat in the direction of the hair grain. Remove any dead hair and untangle matted fur. Check behind the ears and in the groin area, where fur is prone to matting. Try to untangle the fur and avoid cutting out the knots. Brush gently with the pin brush. Brush your Pomeranian at least three times a week. Increase the frequency of brushing during shedding season to remove any dead hair and prevent matting. Bathe your dog when necessary and dry it with an absorbent towel or a hair dryer.

    Hair Trimming

    • According to the Pet Pom website, you should trim your Pom's hair every three months. This includes the hair on the head, which preserves a rounded appearance. Cut the hair from the tips of the ears. Trim the hair around the body, which should also have a rounded look. You need only remove the tips of the hair and whatever is needed to obtain a rounded appearance. Use scissors or thinning shears with teeth on both sides. Trim the hair around the dog's anus to keep it tidy and remove the hair between the foot pads.

    Your Pom's Health

    • Nutritional deficiencies or medical conditions will affect the quality of your dog's fur. Consult your veterinarian about any supplements such as omega 3 fatty acids or vitamins your pet may need to keep its skin and coat healthy. Check for parasites such as mites and fleas and get timely treatment when necessary. Because parasites cause itchiness, your dog may scratch, causing bald patches.