How to Bathe and Cut a Peekapoo

Peekapoos combine the silky, long-haired coat of a Pekingese and the soft, fluffy coat of a poodle. Depending on which parent had the dominant trait, your peekapoo may have a coat and appearance more like one breed than the other. Because of the poodle gene, most peekapoos will have low-shedding coats and will only need to be bathed and groomed once every two months.

Things You'll Need

  • Dog shampoo
  • Washcloth
  • Witch hazel
  • Soft brush
  • Dog hair clippers
  • Scissors
  • Dog nail clippers
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  1. Bathing Your Peekapoo

    • 1

      Choose a dog shampoo that meets your peekapoo's needs -- for example, if your peekapoo has dry or flaky skin, choose a dog shampoo that's medicated to remedy that skin condition. Choose a dog shampoo with all-natural ingredients if possible to avoid creating or aggravating skin problems.

    • 2

      Put your peekapoo in a tub and use a cup to pour water over the dog to get it wet. Do not put the dog directly under a faucet, as this may hurt or scare it. Use lukewarm water. Take a quarter-sized dollop of dog shampoo and rub it gently into your peekapoo's coat, working up a good lather while avoiding the eye and ear areas.

    • 3

      Rinse off your peekapoo with lukewarm water from a cup. Rinse thoroughly, getting rid of all shampoo residue.

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      Take a wet, warm washcloth and wipe gently around the peekapoo's eyes, softening and carefully removing any tear build-up that's caught in the fur.

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      Dry your peekapoo with a soft, terry cloth towel. Use a hairdryer on a cool-setting to get the peekapoo completely dry, or else wait for it to air dry.

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      Pour a tablespoon of witch hazel into a washcloth. Cover your finger with the washcloth and gently clean inside the dog's ears. Don't poke inside his ear canal -- only clean the outside crevices of the ear.

    Cutting Your Peekapoo's Fur

    • 7

      Put your peekapoo on a flat surface, such as a floor. If your peekapoo is nervous, get someone to hold the peekapoo while you groom it.

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      Clip any matted fur out with scissors.

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      Use the dog hair clippers to trim the peekapoo's body fur, starting with the back and legs. Lay the dog on its side and carefully trim the belly area. Trim the tops of the feet.

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      Use the scissors to trim the ear fur and along the sides of the jaw and chin.

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      Using the dog nail clippers, trim the dog's nails. Using a soft brush, brush away any excess fur on the dog's body. Brush around the dog's face and ears for a smooth and silky look.