How to Get Rid of a Skunk Smell on Dogs Without Using Peroxide

Smelling the stench of skunk on the highway is bad enough. When your dog gets sprayed by a skunk, that stench is even worse. Fortunately, getting the stench off your dog is relatively simple and does not require the use of hydrogen peroxide. With tomato juice and a decent deodorizing shampoo, your dog will be stench free in no time.

Things You'll Need

  • Large plastic tub
  • Tomato juice
  • Old cloth
  • Large cup
  • Water hose
  • Deodorizing dog shampoo
  • Clean towel
  • Dog perfume spray
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    • 1

      Place a large, plastic tub outside. Fill the tub with tomato juice. Use enough tomato juice to completely saturate your dog's fur.

    • 2

      Soak up the oily skunk spray with old towels. Drape old towels over the body of your dog. Gently press the towels down into the fur a few times. Do not rub the towels or fur. Remove the towels and put in a trash bag. Look at the dog's fur to determine if it was sprayed in one area.

    • 3

      Place your dog in the plastic tub. Scoop tomato juice into a large cup. Pour the juice over the sprayed area. Avoid getting juice in the dog's eyes, ears and nose. Work the juice into the sprayed fur. Let it sit for several minutes.

    • 4

      Take your dog out of the tub. Hose the dog down until all the tomato juice is out of the fur. Place the dog back in the tub of juice.

    • 5

      Wash the dog completely in the tomato juice. Work the juice thoroughly into the fur. Rinse completely.

    • 6

      Apply an ample amount of odor eliminating dog shampoo on the fur. Work the shampoo into a lather. Thoroughly scrub the fur, paying special attention to areas that were sprayed more than others. Let the shampoo sit in the fur for a few minutes.

    • 7

      Hose the dog off with water. Smell the dog's fur. Repeat the shampooing process if the skunk smell lingers.

    • 8

      Towel dry the dog and spray with mild dog deodorant.