How to Get Your Dog to Wear a Coat or Sweater

Whether for cold weather or a fashion statement, there is a variety of coat and sweater styles available for dogs of any breed and size. And while you can purchase whatever style of clothing you desire for your dog, remember that it takes time for pets to adjust to wearing clothing. With a few training tricks, you can get your canine companions used to wearing coats and sweaters.

Things You'll Need

  • Dog treats
  • Dog sweater
  • Dog coat
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    • 1

      Show your dog the coat or sweater, and let it smell the item. Dogs need to adapt to a piece of clothing, the same way they learn to be comfortable with a collar or leash as puppies.

    • 2

      Put the sweater or coat on your dog, and give it a treat. Your dog should wear the article of clothing for only a few minutes at first, so that it can gradually get used to how the item feels.

    • 3

      Check the fit of the coat or sweater. If the clothing is too loose, it can catch or get snagged while the dog is walking or running around. Dogs prefer when things fit comfortably, without being too loose or tight.

    • 4

      Play with your dog while it's wearing the piece of clothing. Keep the dog distracted, so that it doesn't even notice the item.

    • 5

      Increase the amount of time your dog wears the piece of clothing, over a span of a few days. Reward your dog with a treat each time it wears the coat or sweater.

    • 6

      Take your dog for a walk in the apparel. Give it extra praise and lots of positive attention while wearing the item.

    • 7

      Allow the dog to go outside alone in the coat or sweater, once it seems comfortable wearing the item.