How to Care for a Blue Doberman Coat

The Doberman Pinscher is a short-haired dog. The blue Doberman can be identified by its blue-gray coloration. It has a sleek, single-layered coat and is not a heavy shedder. The blue Doberman is a breed that requires only minimal grooming to keep its coat looking shiny and healthy, although it is prone to skin problems such as flakiness, according to the Dog Breed Info Center. Introduce grooming implements to your Doberman to allow it to sniff them and accept them before you begin to groom the dog's coat.

Things You'll Need

  • Soft-bristled brush
  • Wash cloth
  • Moisturizing dog shampoo
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      Brush your blue Doberman all over using a specialized soft-bristled dog grooming brush to remove any dead hair or dirt. Do this twice a week to keep your dog's coat looking healthy and shiny. Give your dog plenty of verbal praise when it sits still and allows you to brush it, as this will provide positive reinforcement.

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      Clean your Doberman's ears with a wash cloth dipped in tepid water. Do this at least three times a week, as the ears can collect dirt and debris, which can lead to infection.

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      Bathe your blue Doberman only when it is absolutely necessary; for example, if the coat is covered in dirt that cannot be brushed out. Avoid bathing the Doberman more than once a month, as this can lead to the dog developing dry skin. Apply a moisturising dog shampoo to keep the skin hydrated. Massage this into the doberman's coat to give your dog a positive grooming experience. Rinse the coat thoroughly with tepid water.

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      Take your blue Doberman to your local veterinarian if it develops a skin problem. Symptoms could include redness, dryness, flakiness or loss of hair.