How to Take Care of a Wheaten Terrier's Coat

The wheaten terrier, a medium-sized dog originating from Ireland, has a coat that is soft, silky and slightly wavy. The wheaten terrier is rather a high-maintenance breed; even if the dog is single-coated, it requires special attention. Regular brushing to prevent matting is necessary and periodic bathing and hair clipping are also essential to the care of a wheaten terrier's coat.

Things You'll Need

  • Conditioning spray
  • Metal comb
  • Dematting comb
  • Pin brush
  • Slicker brush
  • Dematting spray
  • Antistatic spray
  • Thinning shears
  • Scissors
  • Electric clippers
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      Wet the wheaten terrier's coat using water or conditioning spray to make the combing and brushing easier.

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      Comb your dog using a metal comb with finely spaced teeth. Remove dead hairs, dust and dirt. If you find tangles, use dematting spray. Deal with each tangle separately and separate the hairs with your fingers. Finish with a dematting comb.

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      Brush your dog daily using a pin brush to prevent tangles. Because brushing a dog with tangles can be painful for the pet, brush in small sections with the hair grain and ensure you brush all areas. Brush the dog on one side first -- remember the under-arms, back legs and tail. Roll the dog onto its other side and brush it. For a quick brushing and dematting, use a slicker brush.

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      Bathe the wheaten terrier periodically, once every two months or as needed, using a dog shampoo or baby shampoo and a gentle conditioner. Rinse well after applying shampoo or conditioner because any remaining shampoo or conditioner can gather dirt and change the natural silkiness of the coat.

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      Trim the dog's hair after bathing it. If you are preparing your pet for a dog show, the coat should have sufficient length so that it flows when the dog moves. Use a pair of scissors and thinning shears and leave the hair on the legs slightly longer -- about 2 to 3 inches -- than on the rest of the body, where the hair is 3/4 inches long. Leave the beard longer so that the dog preserves the wheaten terrier look. If you don't intend to participate in dog shows, use electric clippers to trim the dog's coat on the body and trim the hair on the head and legs with scissors.