How to Groom a Yorkie With Nappy Hair

Yorkshire terriers, better known as Yorkies, belong to the toy group of dogs and were recognized by the American Kennel Club in 1885. Purebred Yorkshire terriers have silky, fine hair, but it may become frizzy if dirty or moist. Yorkies that result from breeding a Yorkshire terrier with a different breed may result in variations in size and coat quality. Yorkies with wavy hair may result from the combination of Yorkies with poodles or other curly-haired breeds. Grooming a Yorkie with nappy hair should be performed more frequently than those with silky hair to reduce the matted fur.

Things You'll Need

  • Conditioner
  • Slicker brush
  • Mat comb or coat rake
  • Scissors
  • Towel
  • Nail clipper or file
  • Cotton swabs
  • Ear cleaning solution
  • Pet toothbrush and toothpaste
  • Tear stain remover
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      Spray water or diluted conditioner on the dog's fur prior to the grooming session to soften the hairs and make the grooming easier and less painful.

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      Brush your pet with a slicker brush to remove any hair that has fallen out. Use a mat comb or a coat rake in the tangled areas. Remove stubborn tangles by cutting them out with scissors.

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      Bathe the Yorkie using baby shampoo or a gentle dog shampoo. Apply it on the coat and ensure that it doesn't get in the dog's eyes or ears.

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      Rinse the Yorkie using the shower head and ensure all shampoo is removed.

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      Apply hair conditioner to reduce frizziness. Rinse well.

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      Dry the Yorkie in a soft towel. Don't rub the towel on the dog's coat to prevent coat matting.

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      Clip the dog's nails after the bath, when the nails are softer. Use a dog nail clipper. Alternatively, use a file. Notice the quick, which is darker than the rest of the nail and avoid cutting into it.

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      Trim the hair on the dog's body. On straight-haired Yorkies, the hair is clipped to floor length, which allows the pet to move easily. In wavy-haired pets, you may clip the hair shorter, which prevents the tangling of fur and the debris accumulation.

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      Clean the dog's ears with cotton swabs and a canine ear cleaning solution. Clip the hair short on the tip of the ears using a pair of scissors.

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      Trim the hair on the feet to give the pet a clean appearance. Remove the hair from between the foot pads as well.

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      Brush your pet's teeth to prevent tartar buildup. Buy special pet toothpaste and a toothbrush. If your dog resists teeth-brushing, consult your veterinarian for periodical professional tartar removal.