How to Care for a Cairn Terrier's Coat

The cairn terrier is a small hunting dog that was initially called Skye terrier because it originated in the Isle of Skye in Scotland. The name cairn comes from the rock dens of the foxes and badgers that used to be hunted by the cairn terriers. Cairn terriers have a strong, well-muscled body covered in a soft undercoat and a harsh weather-resistant overcoat. The coat is not difficult to maintain compared to other terriers, but a weekly brushing is necessary.

Things You'll Need

  • Conditioner
  • Metal comb
  • Pin brush
  • Stripping knife
  • Scissors
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    • 1

      Wet the dog's coat with your hands and water or spray some conditioner over the pet to soften the hairs.

    • 2

      Comb the coat and disentangle matted fur and remove dead hairs using a metal comb. If you are unable to disentangle the fur, use a pair of scissors and carefully remove the knot.

    • 3

      Brush your cairn terrier's body using a pin brush. Start by brushing against the growing direction of the hairs. Switch to brushing with the growth of the hair.

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      Brush the hair on the head of the pet forward with a pin brush.

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      Strip the overcoat of the cairn terrier using a fine stripping knife. Thin out the hair on the sides of the pet, because the coat tends to grow very thick.

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      Trim the hair from the dog's feet between the foot pads and between the toes with a pair of scissors.

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      Trim the hair around the anus to prevent the accumulation of fecal matter and gathering of bacteria and infections.

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      Perform the brushing at least once every week and trim the hair every 2 weeks to reduce the amount of hair your dog sheds.

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      Check for external parasites when you brush your pet and consult your veterinarian if your find any bites or signs of parasites. Cairn terriers are prone to developing allergies to flea bites. Feel the dog's skin and check for lumps or wounds when you brush it.