Homeopathic Dog Ear Wash

Homeopathic remedies work on the principle that "like cures like" --- for instance, oil and debris in the ear is cleaned using a cleaner that contains oil. Homeopathic remedies are also holistic, taking the whole dog and illness into consideration. Homeopathic ear washes for dogs are effective against mild infections and normal debris; they also prevent severe infections from cropping up.
  1. Causes and Symptoms

    • Common causes for canine ear infections are allergies, debris, ear wax and mites. Symptoms include scratching the infected ear, irritability or depression, and tilting of the head. Other symptoms that may also appear are a foul odor inside the ear, redness and swelling. If canine ear infections aren't treated, the ear canal may become permanently damaged.

    Homeopathic Ingredients

    • Homeopathic ear washes can be used to treat mild ear infections that are due to common causes. These washes can usually be purchased at online health pet-supply stores or organic health food stores. Natural oils that are used in homeopathic ear washes include olive, tea tree and lavender, which also softens the skin and prevents dryness. To reduce smells and kill bacteria, lemon peel and eucalyptus oil may be used. Willow bark extract is an anti-inflammatory that also controls oil production.


    • Although premixed ear washes are made up of a number of types of oils and extracts, pure oils and extracts may also be used for specific treatments. A pure aloe wash, for example, can be used to keep ears clean and soft if lavender oil isn't available. Pantry ingredients such as white vinegar and water may be used as a homeopathic wash as well. Pure oils and extracts can often be purchased at health food stores and organic food stores.


    • Because homeopathic remedies are meant to be natural, holistic and provided in the smallest dosage necessary to obtain positive results, always start with a diluted solution first to prevent further skin irritations or an allergic reaction. Food allergies also cause ear irritations, so changing the dog's diet along with a soothing oil wash is necessary for long-term results.