How to Groom a Golden Poodle

Golden poodles, also known as golden doodles or goldenpoos, are the first-generation cross between golden retrievers and poodles. The breeds were deliberately bred beginning in the mid-nineties as an alternative to the cockapoo (cocker spaniel and poodle mix). Many golden poodles, like other poodle crosses, inherit a poodle's non-shedding qualities without the furry texture. Their non- or light-shedding coats make them better able to live among people with allergies. When a golden poodle is under a year old, you can just trim stray hairs on its coat from time to time. Adults develop a shaggier coat, however, which you may want to groom in a more specific manner.

Things You'll Need

  • Slicker brush
  • Comb
  • Dog shampoo
  • Washcloth
  • Hair dryer
  • Hair cutting scissors
  • Electric hair clippers with 1-inch attachment
  • Nail clippers
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    • 1

      Brush your golden poodle thoroughly with a slicker brush (a steel-bristled brush available at pet stores), then comb through its coat to ensure all the tangles and mats are out. Include the areas under the tail, around the armpits and behind the ears. A thorough brushing makes the coat easier to clip.

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      Wet your golden poodle and apply shampoo. Use a washcloth to lather the shampoo up on all parts of the dog's coat. Rise very thoroughly to remove all of the shampoo residue.

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      Dry you dog's coat with a hair dryer or let it air dry. When the coat is completely dry, comb it out again.

    • 4

      Cut the hair on the top of your dog's head with hair scissors. Comb a piece of hair up, hold it with your fingers and snip it off evenly. Work your way down to the neck, cutting the hair gradually shorter to blend the head hair with the neck hair. Carefully cut the hair above your dog's eyes so it can see clearly.

    • 5

      Use electric clippers with a 1-inch comb attachment to clip the hair on the cheeks -- take two swipes with the clippers down each side of the face. When viewing the head and face of the golden poodle from the front, it should look like an upside-down V.

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      Clip the neck, sides, chest, belly and back of your dog with the clippers and the 1-inch attachment. Run the clippers through the coat in all directions to ensure no hairs are missed. Stop clipping 1/2 inch over the elbows for the front legs and at the hip area for the rear legs.

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      Run the clippers with attachment down each leg, clipping the back, front and sides of each leg only once. Comb the legs and cut any stray hairs with scissors.

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      Cut the tips of your dog's nails off carefully with nail clippers. Trim the hair on the feet with scissors, starting at the front and ensuring the nails are covered with hair. Trim the hair on the bottom of the feet so it's even with the foot pads.

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      Clip up the tail only 1 inch with the clippers and the 1-inch attachment to blend the tail hair into the body. Trim any uneven hairs on the tail with scissors.