How to Clip a Schnauzer

Grooming your Schnauzer at home instead of taking it to a professional groomer can save you more than $2,500 over your dog's lifetime. By investing in a few tools and learning a few grooming techniques, you can create a decent Schnauzer cut in a few practice sessions.

Things You'll Need

  • Slicker brush
  • Detangling spray (optional)
  • Electric clippers
  • blade
  • Blade oil
  • Scissors
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  1. Brushing and Clipping the Body

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      A slicker brush (far left) and dog clippers (far right) are your essential grooming tools.

      Brush the Schnauzer's body and legs thoroughly with the slicker brush to remove any mats and tangles. Brush the body in the direction the hair grows. Brush the legs in both directions. Use the bristle brush for the face and beard.

    • 2
      Hold the blades down while lubricating to keep oil out of the motor.

      Snap the blade on your clippers. Hold the clippers with the blade down toward the floor. Oil the blade carefully. Wipe any excess oil off the blade before righting the clippers to keep oil from dripping down into the motor.

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      Place the clipper blade at skin-level on the dog's neck at the base of the skull. Slowly move the clippers down the dog's back and rump while pulling the skin taut. If the fur is very thick, clip the hair against the direction of growth in short strokes.

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      Clip the neck, chest and back to a line that runs along the bottom of the rib cage and is about 1.5 inches above the elbow, where the front leg meets the body. Clip the rump and back legs down to about 3 inches above the hocks, the rounded bony area on the back of the legs.

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      Clip the top and sides of the tail in the direction of hair growth. You can leave a little fringe under the tail if desired. Lift the dog's tail and place the clippers parallel to the outer edge of the dog's rear end and clip to the center line under the tail. Repeat with the other side. Clip down to about 3 inches above the hocks.

    Clipping the Head, Legs and Feet

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      Clip the head against the direction of hair growth, from the base of the skull to the eyebrows. Hold the ear out of the way. From the outer corner of the eye, trim down the cheek and throat. Hold the dog's head up by the muzzle to access the throat area. Trim the forehead at the base of the ears.

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      Use the scissors to cut a V-shape between the eyes. Start the top points of the V at the inside corners of the eyes. End the bottom point about 1/2 inch below the eyes where the muzzle meets the face. Trim up the eyebrows, leaving a long lock at the inner eye corners. The beard should be left as long and full as possible.

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      Invert the ear by laying the outside of the flap against the front of your fingers and holding the tip of it back with your thumb. Use the clippers or scissors to trim the hair inside the ear. Reverse your hold on the ear to trim the hair on the outside of the ear. Clip the hair in the direction of growth to avoid nicking the ears. Trim the hair on the outer edges of the ears with scissors.

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      Use the scissors to shape the leg hair by evening out its length. The hair on the tops of the feet and between the toes should be the same length as the leg hair. Trim the hair around edges of the feet. Trim the hair between the pads of the feet so it is even with or below the surface level of the pads.