How to Remove Matted Fur on a Poodle Mix

Grooming is an important part of owning a poodle or poodle mix. Long, curly poodle coats don't shed without help, which means that the sprigs of hair that once made your dog so stylish can quickly become clumps of tangled, dirty fur. Brushing your poodle mix on a daily basis will help guard against mats, but once these sorts of knots are present in your pet's fur, they require a bit of elbow grease to remove.

Things You'll Need

  • Metal-toothed grooming comb
  • Grooming brush
  • Grooming shears or scissors
  • Detangler (liquid hair product for dogs)
  • Water
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    • 1

      Douse your dog's mats with plenty of water.

    • 2

      Work the detangler into the mats with your fingertips, using your fingernails to push the product as far into the interior of the mats as possible.

    • 3

      Pull, pry and pick apart each mat as gently and carefully as you can. Start at the top of each clump, teasing out the knots of hair with a comb or brush. Slowly work your way down to the base of each mat, near the animal's skin. Continue to comb, breaking each clump into a series of smaller and smaller knots.

    • 4

      Cut into any large or stubborn mats with scissors or shears. Push the blade through the knot, again proceeding to divide the mat into smaller, more manageable parts. Continue on with Step 3.

    • 5

      Once the mats are removed, give your dog a thorough brushing from head to tail.