Ways to Groom a Yorkie

One of the most recognizable things about a Yorkshire Terrier is its long, silky and versatile coat. The hair can take just about any style and behaves like human hair so grooming styles can be as varied as the imagination of the owner.
  1. Yorkshire Terrier Coat

    • The Yorkshire Terrier's coat has no undercoat. The dog is good for people with allergies because shedding releases dander that causes allergies, and the Yorkshire Terrier coat does not shed. Similar to human hair, a Yorkshire Terrier coat will keep growing as long as it is not cut. The hair is fine and can easily become tangled and matted. Maintaining the coat requires daily brushing and monthly shampoos to prevent matting.

    Long Hair

    • Since the coat is defined in the breed standard and is one of the defining characteristics of the breed, show dog owners keep the hair long. Floor-length hair is the standard for show dog grooming but the length of a non-show dog can vary. The hair is usually parted down the middle of the back and brushed to each side. The hair around the rectum is trimmed to prevent fecal matter from catching and matting as well as the tip of the ears and hair around the paws.

    Short Hair

    • Short cuts make maintaining a healthy coat much easier. Shorter hair is less likely to mat and takes less time to brush. Yorkshire Terrier cuts include the puppy cut, modified schnauzer and modified West Highland Terrier. The entire body and face are trimmed in an even length to achieve the puppy cut. The modified Schnauzer is a shaved back with a skirt of long hair on the underbelly and longer hair on the face and chest. In the modified Westie a round head is created by cutting the hair on the face in a circle. There is no standard Yorkshire Terrier cut, so owners and groomers can be creative in cutting different styles.


    • Yorkshire Terrier grooming styles often include accessories. Show dogs almost always have the hair tied in a ponytail atop the head, called a topknot, with a bow. The topknot is sometimes a high poof on top of the head or a slicked-back ponytail to prevent the bangs from falling over the dog's eyes. Grooming styles can also include clips, ribbons and barrettes on the beard, bangs and body hair.