How To Bathe a Cavalier Puppy

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is a dog breed that is known for its affectionate and relaxed temperament. The toy dog has a soft, silky coat and small size, and is native to the United Kingdom. If you have a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel puppy, one of the things you need to know is how to properly bathe it to keep it clean and healthy.

Things You'll Need

  • Bristle brush
  • Straight comb
  • Dog shampoo
  • Towel
  • Hair dryer
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      Brush the puppy's fur using a bristle brush and straight comb. Do this before bathing it to eliminate any tangles, mats, dirt and knots throughout its coat. Brush the puppy's fur thoroughly, particularly in the ear area (which easily tangles).

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      Place your Cavalier King Charles Spaniel in the bathroom sink. Since the breed is so small, bathing can be a lot more manageable in small sinks compared to bathtubs. If your dog squirms a lot, however, consider bathing it in the tub. To ensure that your Cavalier doesn't slip and hurt itself, place a cloth directly under its body. Run the water and make sure that it is lukewarm as water that is too hot or too cold will shock your small puppy.

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      Put a tiny dab of dog shampoo over your hands. Avoid washing your Cavalier (or any dog, for that matter) with shampoo formulated for humans as the acidity levels of humans and dogs are very different. Thoroughly work the shampoo through your Cavalier's fur, making sure not to miss any spots. After your dog is lathery, rinse all of the soap out of the coat with cool water.

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      Cover the puppy in a towel. Allow the dog to dry naturally. If the dog seems cold, use a hair dryer. Make sure that the dryer is set to a low level (and is about 18 inches from the dog's body) to avoid potential skin irritation and burning -- dogs are highly heat sensitive.