Nail Care for Miniature Poodles

Caring for miniature poodle nails is similar to caring for just about any medium-sized breed's nails, with the exception of size. Miniature poodles are small and can spook easily as a result. They will also require a smaller nail trimmer, as a regular human nail trimmer would likely cause you to cut into the poodle's flesh. Starting the nail care process as young as possible will help your mini to become comfortable with it.
  1. Taking Care

    • Approach the miniature poodle with love and caresses before you begin. Talk to the dog gently while caring for its nails. The nail care process should be comfortable for both you and the poodle. If the miniature poodle becomes scared of the nail care process, it will be difficult to trim the nails and could set up a repetitive pattern of fear each time the clippers come out.


    • Trim your miniature poodle's nails with a small dog nail trimmer regularly every three to four weeks, or whenever you hear that the nails are clacking on the floor. Nails that touch the floor are too long and should be trimmed right away. Take caution when trimming the nail to make sure you do not cut the pink fleshy part under the nail, known as the quick. This fleshy part will bleed a lot if cut and cause the poodle much pain, making it uncomfortable to walk. Keep styptic powder near by in case a cut in the quick does occur. Applying the powder to the cut will stop the bleeding.

    Filing And Cleansing

    • If after cutting the nails there are any sharp edges, use a nail file to file down the edges. Gently wash the poodle's feet with some room temperature water and soap to cleanse and remove any debris left over from trimming and filing.

    Excersize For Nails

    • Miniature poodles spend a lot of time inside and can develop longer than normal nails as a result. Taking your poodle for daily walks outside of the house will help it to wear down its nails a bit and reduce the necessity to clip the nails so often. Additionally, your miniature poodle will be getting exercise which is good for any dog's physical and mental health.