Yorkie Grooming Tips

Yorkies, or Yorkshire terriers, are a small breed known for its playful nature and flowing mane of black and blue hair. The hair of the Yorkie needs regular grooming. Groom your Yorkie at home to avoid expensive trips to a pet salon.
  1. Bathing

    • Bathe your Yorkie at least once every two weeks or more if its hair becomes soiled, as dirt will lead to tangles and matted hair. Wet your Yorkie's fur with warm water and work the dog shampoo down the length of the Yorkie's body from head to foot. Avoid getting shampoo into the Yorkie's eyes, nose or ears. Rinse the shampoo out well with warm water before applying a doggie conditioner, if desired. The conditioner will help keep your Yorkie's coat silky and will cut down on any matted fur. Rinse out the conditioner well with warm water. Squeeze your Yorkie's fur lightly to remove any excess water before lightly towel-drying the dog.


    • Keep your Yorkie wrapped in a thick towel for several minutes after the bath, especially if it is cooler outside. Set your Yorkie onto a separate dry towel and dry your Yorkie's coat completely with a hair dryer. Set the dryer on a low-heat setting and move it continuously over the length of the dog's body to prevent the dog from becoming scorched or overheated.


    • Brush your Yorkie's coat both before and after bathing and drying to remove any matted fur and tangles. Run your fingers through your Yorkie's coat and pull apart any large, matted areas with your fingers. Work through these smaller matted areas with a metal comb. Pull the dog's hair through the comb instead of working the comb through the hair to prevent pulling, which will damage the small breed's delicate skin.


    • Treats are an invaluable tool that will make the home grooming process run more smoothly. Keep a small plastic bag filled with treats in your pocket and give the Yorkie a treat at the beginning of each step of the grooming process to help calm the dog's nerves. Offer your Yorkie another treat any time it seems agitated and after the each step of the grooming process as a way to reward the dog for its good behavior.