How to Shave Dogs to Minimize Shedding

Dogs make wonderful pets -- they're the most loyal creatures on earth and are almost always up for playing or a cuddle. However, having furniture, floors and (black) clothing covered in dog hair is one negative of these otherwise almost-perfect creatures. While shaving your dog doesn't prevent it from shedding, it does minimize it; the hairs that fall off are shorter and less noticeable.

Things You'll Need

  • Tabletop
  • Newspapers
  • Collar
  • Leash
  • Dog clippers with various blades
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    • 1

      Cover your tabletop in newspapers. Place the dog's collar around its neck and attach the leash. Tie the lease to an unmoving piece of furniture above the table so that the dog has to hold its head up. For example, if you have a built-in dishtowel rack attached to the wall, it would be an ideal place to tie the leash to.

    • 2

      Hold the dog gently by its neck and shave its face. Avoid its eyes and mouth completely, keeping the clippers an inch away.

    • 3

      Shave the legs and tail. Move the clippers up and then down in one fluid motion over these areas. Change blades at this point, selecting a blade designed for longer hair.

    • 4

      Shave the dog's back. Start at the far-left side near the tail, making nice even strokes with your clippers, until you've shaved the entire back.

    • 5

      Untie the dog's leash and get the dog to lie on its back, retying the leash to another stable piece of furniture. Shave the dog's abdomen, working from left to right and making uniform, even strokes. Stay away from your dog's genitals.