How to Groom the Eye of a Yorkie

A Yorkie, also known as a Yorkshire terrier, is a purebred dog in the toy dog category. Yorkies are popular at dog shows and with urban owners who do not have large yards or spaces for a bigger breed. The Yorkie has a long, silky coat similar to human hair. The coat grows quickly and can cover the eyes of the dog in a short period of time. Grooming the Yorkie's eyes includes cleaning them, removing tear stains and keeping the coat out of the eyes.

Things You'll Need

  • Tearless dog shampoo
  • Tear stain remover
  • Cotton balls
  • Dog comb
  • Latex bands
  • Hair bow
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      Use a tear stain remover on the area around the dog's eyes once a week or once every other week. You can use the stain remover when you are bathing the dog. Follow the directions on the package for application instructions.

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      Wipe away any excess moisture in the eyes with a cotton ball after you rinse the dog during the bath. Gently run the cotton ball along the bottom lid to remove any mucous. Comb the hair under the eyes with a dog comb to remove any dried mucous.

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      Use a dog comb to gather the hair above the eyes after the dog's coat is dry if you have just given it a bath. Comb the hair above the eyes back between the ears, then gather the hair between the ears and secure it with a latex hair band.

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      Pull the hairs in the front of the band gently so they make a poof above the dog's eyes, but do not pull them out of the band. Tie a second latex hair band 1 inch above the first one. Fold the hair between the bands in half so the two bands are touching and you create a loop, or top knot. Wrap the loop with a third band to secure it.

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      Attach a hair bow to the top know. This is optional, as the bands alone will keep the hair out of the dog's eyes, but some owners find the bows more attractive.