About Dog Groomers

Man's best friend is a lot easier to live with when he smells good, sheds less and has his nails clipped. A good dog groomer can turn all of these things into realities. Groomers are committed to not only making dogs more physically attractive, but also keeping them healthy through the services that they provide. Understanding what groomers really do and how they do it will give you a new appreciation for the people placed in charge with prettying up your pet.
  1. Training

    • Some groomers are mentored into the profession. This can be the case in family owned businesses where a parent teaches a child the practices of the profession. Other groomers participate in classes and certification programs where they learn theory of grooming as well as participating in hands on training exercises. As of 2011, there is no vocational license for pet grooming. Certification classes are an optional means of verifying skills and training. Ask potential groomers about their background and training before entrusting them with your dog.


    • Bathing is possibly one of the most common tasks performed by dog groomers. Using a special hand-held hose attachment, groomers wash dogs to get their coats clean. Shampoo and conditioner are used to clean, detangle and soften each dog's fur. Groomers may charge more for dogs with longer hair which requires additional time to wash. After washing dogs, groomers may allow the dog to air-dry or use a blow-dryer on a low to medium setting.

    Flea Control

    • Flea control takes bathing a few steps further by focusing on eradicating fleas and ticks. Dogs with pest issues are washed with medicated shampoo by groomers. The bath is followed by a rinse with specialized formulas created to kill fleas.


    • Groomers also offer hair trimming services for dogs. Cutting a dog's hair is not only for the sake of his appearance. Groomers clip the coats of dogs for a variety of reasons including flea problems, matting and climate conditions. For dogs with thicker coats groomers sometimes labor over the task of removing the thick undercoat of fur that causes shedding around the home.

    Additional Services

    • In addition to bathing and hair care services, dog groomers also clip the nails and claws of dogs. Ear cleaning is another common, additional service. Some groomers also offer luxury spa items, like massages and nail painting, for an additional charge.