How to Groom a Dog's Rear

Dog owners know that keeping their dog clean and well-groomed aids in maintaining a healthy pet. Animals with dirty coats and external parasites can suffer from undiagnosed skin infections and other diseases. Long-haired dogs in particular need regular grooming in the area around the anus to prevent dirt and feces from becoming matted in the hair under the tail. Learning how to clean and clip the hair on your dog's rear end can save you money on grooming fees and possible veterinary bills.

Things You'll Need

  • Canine shampoo
  • Dog brush
  • Canine hair clippers
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    • 1

      Bathe and dry your dog as you would normally, paying particular attention to the area around its tail. Brush out the hair so it lies smoothly underneath the dog's tail.

    • 2

      Stand your pet with its rear end facing you and gently lift up the tail in your non-dominant hand. If the dog starts to move, have an assistant restrain it with one arm around its chest and the other under its belly so it can't walk away.

    • 3

      Hold the clippers in your dominant hand with the cutting edge turned down.

    • 4

      Place your clippers just underneath the base of the tail to one side of the anus and clip straight down until all of the hair is gone from that side of the dog's bottom. Move the clippers to the other side of the anal opening and cut the hair in the same fashion.

    • 5

      Position the clippers under the anal opening and trim the hair over the scrotal sac in a male dog or the vaginal opening in a female. Press the clippers very lightly onto these delicate skin tissues to avoid razor burn.

    • 6

      Turn your clippers over so the cutting edge turns up and snip the hair from the base of the tail until it clears the area over the anus.