The Many Groomed Styles for Poodles

Poodles have fur that is closer to human hair than it is to fur. It is coarse, curly and fluffy, and when poodles were primarily sporting dogs, it was ideal for insulating them when they went into the water. Grooming and clipping a poodle is an important part of keeping the dog healthy and well-maintained, and there are many different styles to choose from. Choose a style that you can maintain easily and that suits your lifestyle.
  1. Adult Dog Show Styles

    • If you are planning to show your adult poodle, there are only two grooming styles that are accepted by the American Kennel Club. The English Saddle clip involves clipping the face, the upper part of the legs, the flanks and the base of the tail, while the poodle's chest and upper back are left very long and full. The Continental grooming style features a shaved face, feet, throat and base of the tail, with optional hair left on the hips. The legs are also shaved in the Continental style, leaving small puffs of hair on the forelegs and bracelets of hair on the back legs.

    Puppy Grooming Style

    • The puppy grooming style, also known as the puppy clip, is the simplest style for poodles, and it is acceptable for poodles that are less than 12 months old in the show ring. This style consists of shaving the face, the feet and the base of the tail, and the rest of the coat is left as is, with some scissor shaping.

    Pet Clips

    • If your poodle is not going to be shown, you may choose to groom it to your own preferences. It is possible to cut all the hair on the poodle short, or you can opt for a simple style like a kennel clip, where the face, the feet and the base of the tail are shaved and the rest of the hair is simply scissored short. Pet clips may be done at home, as the purpose of this type of grooming style is to ensure the comfort and health of your dog, rather than to meet a specific standard.


    • A professional groomer is a good choice if you want to ensure that your poodle gets a certain look and that that look is neat and tidy. Ask other poodle owners for advice regarding the groomers in your area and don't be afraid to speak to the groomer before entrusting your pet to him. Ask to see pictures of his past work and ask how long he has been in the business. Choose a groomer who listens to your needs and do not allow one who ignores your requests to groom your poodle.