How to Groom a Lucas Terrier

The Lucas terrier is a rare breed of dog created by Sir Jocelyn Lucas, who crossed Norfolk terriers with Sealyham bitches. Lucas's aim, according to the Lucas Terrier Club, was to produce "an unexaggerated sporting terrier." Lucas terriers have the "no-shed" gene associated with a wire or bearded terrier coat. Because the dog does not shed, dead hair must be removed to prevent accumulation. If kept well groomed, Lucas terriers are also free of the "doggy" smell of so many other breeds.

Things You'll Need

  • Electric clippers
  • Scissors
  • Brush
  • Comb
  • Medicated shampoo
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      Remove the dead long hair from the dog's top coat once a week. This area stretches from the top of the dog's neck to halfway down its body. Horizontally, it begins midway above the front legs and stretches all the way to the tail. Use the forefinger and thumb to gently remove excess hair. If grip is a problem, rub some chalk into the dog's coat and use a rubber finger covering to remove the hair. These can be bought from pet stores.

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      Use electric clippers with a number 10 fitting to clip the hair inside and outside the dog's ears. Trim the edges of the ears with scissors. Comb the whiskers and eyebrows forward, and use the scissors to trim them along the line of the dog's head. Trim the hair on the legs and around the feet.

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      Change the fitting to a number 7 and clip from the outer corner of each eye to the top of each ear. The area between the breast bone and the back of each earfold should also be clipped, as should the area between the breast bone and shoulder.

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      Brush the dog once a week. Work back from the head to the tail, then forward again to the head. Combing the dog using a fine-toothed comb or a tool known as an undercoat rake once a week will remove any remaining dead hair from the undercoat.

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      Bathe the dog in medicated shampoo after any hair removal. This will prevent bacterial infection in the hair follicles. Use lukewarm water and wet the dog's coat thoroughly before applying the shampoo. Start from the top and work downward.