Different Grooming Cuts for Poodles

A poodle's coat is curly and dense, lending itself to a variety of grooming cuts. While many hairstyles for poodles are attractive, some also involve a sizable commitment of time and money. Whether your poodle is a show dog or pet, all poodles require regular grooming to maintain good hygiene and a tidy appearance.
  1. Traditional Lion-Trim Show Cut: Continental Clip Variation

    • Show poodles must be groomed in the traditional lion trim. This show cut may be altered in a variety of ways, one of which is the continental clip variation. In a continental clip, the poodle's face, throat, front legs, hindquarters, feet and the base of its tail are shaved close. Poms or bracelets of fur remain around the ankles of the front and back legs. The fur near the end of the poodle's tail is left long and shaped into a ball. Optional hip rosettes are positioned directly over the poodle's hip joints. The rest of the dog's body is left in a full coat but lightly trimmed into an attractive shape. The continental clip is an AKC/UKC-approved clip style.

    Traditional Lion-Trim Show Cut: English Saddle Clip Variation

    • In the English saddle clip variation of the traditional lion cut, the poodle's face, throat, front legs, feet and base of its tail are shaved close. The poodle's hindquarters are clipped, leaving a short length of hair which should be scissored into a smooth blanket. A curved area is shaved into each of the dog's flanks, and two bands are shaved into each hind leg. Poms or bracelets of fur are left around the ankles of the front and hind legs. The fur near the end of the poodle's tail is left long and shaped into a ball.

    Utility or Kennel Clip for Pet Poodles

    • Companion poodles are groomed in a number of styles; shorter trims are easiest to care for. The details of a pet poodle's hairstyle is based on the dog owner's preference. A utility clip is one of the easiest styles to maintain. With a utility grooming cut, the poodle's face, feet, and the very base of its tail are shaved. The hair on its body is trimmed short, with the top knot and tail left a bit longer. The length of body hair, top knot and tail depends on owner's preference.

    Summer or Bikini Clip for Pet Poodles

    • Stylish and easy, the summer clip is a short cut for companion poodles. The dog's face, feet and the base of its tail are shaved, while the body hair is trimmed close and scissored into a balanced, smooth shape. Her legs are trimmed close, with the fur shaped into a pom at the bottom of the front and hind legs. The top knot and tail are left a bit longer. The length of the dog's body hair, top knot and tail depends on the owner's preference.