Hydrocortisone Products
Hydro-cortisone can be purchased as ointments, sprays, gels, and in towelettes. Used to reduce inflammation and mediate itching and irritation, hydro-cortisone products can be applied to razor burned areas two to four times daily. These products are sold over-the-counter and can be purchased in pet-specific form from a veterinarian or pet store or owners can adapt low-strength human products from any drug store.
Dusting affected areas with cornstarch (an ingredient in soothing items like baby powder) will keep irritated areas cool and dry. Soothing the skin with cornstarch will also reduce itching and allow the skin to heal.
Tritop Topical Ointment
Tritop topical ointment can be purchased through a veterinarian, online, and at some pet stores. A triple antibiotic ointment containing lidocaine, Tritop both protects razor-burned skin from infection and soothes the painful itch that can be associated with razor burn.
Prevent Future Razor Burn
Razor burn is not necessarily indicative of a poor groomer or vet. Some dogs, as with people, have more sensitive skin. However, razor burn can be caused by dull blades or improper use. Make sure to alert professionals about the razor burn and indicate your dog may be prone to it during future visits. If razor burn occurred during an at-home hair clipping, make sure clippers are clean and strong and that blades are clean and sharp. Prevent further irritation or infection to razor-burned areas by discouraging licking and scratching at the inflamed area.
Remedies for Canine Razor Burn
Razor burn refers to skin irritation, scrapes or cuts usually caused by an electric razor. Dogs incur razor burn through grooming at home or by a professional, and sometimes due to hair clipping for veterinary procedures. Sensitive areas with thin skin, especially the lower belly and inside of the rear legs, are prone to razor burn. Treat razor burn at home using topical products and managing the dog's attention to the area, curtailing further damage caused by licking or scratching. Consult a licensed veterinarian before starting any at home regimen and monitor dogs closely for side effects caused by treatment.