How to Cut Clumps Off Long-Haired Dogs

Long-haired dogs are susceptible to tangled and matted fur. The clumps of fur can irritate the skin and make your dog feel uncomfortable. Combing and brushing the matted dog hair can become frustrating, and can even cause more discomfort for your dog. Cutting the clumps allows you to work on removing them in small sections. Gently removing the hair clumps will keep your dog's fur looking attractive and luxurious.

Things You'll Need

  • Steel comb
  • Scissors
  • Letter opener
  • Mat splitter
  • Slick brush
  • Electric shaver
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      Approach the dog when it appears calm. Pet the dog to soothe it in order to make removing the matted fur easier.

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      Comb the matted fur with a steel comb to loosen as much of it as possible. Pick at the fur instead of pulling at it to prevent harming the dog.

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      Cut the matted fur into separate sections with a pair of scissors, letter opener or mat splitter. Hold the sharp end or blade away from the dog's skin to prevent cutting the dog. Cut through the clump of fur to separate it.

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      Comb the separated clumps of fur to break them apart. Brush the matted fur with a slick brush or a steel brush. Start at the top of the clump and work your way to the base.

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      Shave the matted fur with a pair of clippers if you cannot remove it successfully. Place the clippers under the matted fur to cut it off. The clippers will leave a bare spot on the dog, which can ruin the coat of a show dog.