Yorkie Grooming Ideas

The Yorkshire Terrier has a beautiful, lustrous coat that requires regular maintenance. Yorkie grooming demands attention not only to the hair but to the entire dog. Quality health and a nutritious diet are important to ensuring a long, smooth, cottony coat. Owners have several options depending on their needs.
  1. DIY Grooming

    • Even if you choose to have someone else groom your animal, you must do some work to maintain your Yorkie's coat on a daily basis. New groomers should get comfortable brushing their dogs daily to help foster healthy care. Ease into the grooming process by cutting your dog's hair short. Look for Yorkie grooming guides or video tutorials to help shore up your skills.

    Professional Grooming

    • Busy Yorkie owners frequently pursue the idea of a professional groomer for their dog. When selecting a potential groomer, pick someone with adequate experience with Yorkies and their coats. Consult your dog's breeder, other Yorkie owners or friends for advice on an ideal professional. A high quality groomer will accommodate your schedule in dropping off your Yorkie for appointments. She can also present new, sophisticated cuts.


    • "Wrapping" the coat is an advanced grooming technique best suited for Yorkies that will participate in dog shows and is an excellent way to keep the coat in sterling condition. The dog's hair is parted into sections and wrapped into folded pieces of wrapping paper, made of either rice paper or donut paper. Each section is wrapped with small rubber bands and should be checked every day to guard against matting.


    • Though Yorkies with long hair strike a classic look, you may opt for the idea of trimming their hair. Many Yorkshire Terriers with short hair don a "puppy cut." In this, the dog's hair is cut short around the face and on the entire body. Or choose a "Schnauzer cut," which is characterized by short hair on the body and long hair on the legs. Similar to this is the "Westie," but main difference is that the Yorkie's face receives an attractive trim.