How to Cut a Poodle Topknot

Hairy dogs such as Cocker spaniels and poodles have to be groomed regularly, as their hair can get in the way and cause potential health hazards, especially with poodles. The top knot on a poodle needs to be trimmed frequently, as the hair can cover the dog's line of sight, preventing it from seeing where it's going and any other approaching hazards in its path. Trimming a poodle's top knot is a simple task and can be done in the comfort of your own home.

Things You'll Need

  • Curved trimming shears
  • Dog brush
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    • 1

      Hold the poodle firmly by the muzzle with your free hand, to ensure he doesn't move around and injure himself while you're snipping.

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      Begin trimming the poodle's top knot by snipping the extra hair directly over the eyes. The curve of the shears should be bending towards the back of the dog's head. Only trim enough hair to free the poodle's line of sight from obstruction.

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      Continue to trim around the top knot with the curve of the shears facing in towards the dog, cutting small bits of hair at a time. Keep the hair uniform and rounded off at the top, so move the dog's head in order to see the trim angles.

    • 4

      Move the poodle's head around to see if there are any pieces of hair left sticking out of place. Trim off any stragglers, then brush any remaining hair off the top knot using the dog brush.