How Can I Get My Dog to Defecate in His Yard Only?

Getting your dog to defecate in his yard only can be a challenging task because you have to start training early and you must be consistent -- otherwise, the time spent training your dog will be wasted. It is important to get your dog to defecate outside in one spot to avoid stepping in poo while you are gardening or otherwise enjoying your yard. Also, if you teach your dog to defecate in one spot, you can avoid unpleasant moments during a garden party.

Things You'll Need

  • Spade
  • Hose
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      Choose a spot where you want your dog to defecate all the time. Remove all rubbish and plants away from the spot, using a spade.

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      Collect a couple of pieces of feces from your dog and place it in the assigned spot. Clean up the rest of the yard so that no poo remains anywhere in the yard.

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      Water the entire yard using a hose to eliminate the smell of feces and urine.

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      Train your dog to understand a simple command at potty time, such as "Do it" or "Go now." When you see your dog needs to defecate, just shout the command and lead your dog to the spot you have chosen. Potty time for dogs is normally 30 minutes after a meal.

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      Be consistent and repeat the command each time you see that the dog needs to defecate. After two weeks, check whether the dog goes to the same spot without a leash. If not, continue training until it uses the designated place by itself.