What Are the Causes of Premature Gray Hair in Dogs?

Premature graying of hairs is a common problem in dogs. Generally, this is not a serious health issue of dogs. Yet, in some cases, dogs might be subjected to serious health concerns. Therefore, it is always wise to note the causes of premature graying of hairs in dogs and the possible treatment for checking the condition.
  1. Genetic Problem

    • This is one of the most common factors contributing to the premature graying of hairs in dogs. Researchers have found that premature graying of hairs is often caused in dogs that are dominantly black in color. Some of the dogs showing premature graying of hairs are greyhounds, Labrador retrievers, Whippets, Chesapeake Bay retrievers, great Danes, borzoi and border collies. In these dogs, the color of the hairs near the muzzle starts fading early and a careful watch is needed to check the condition when it starts.

    Health Disorder

    • Graying of hairs is common in dogs. Yet, untimely graying in hair is often a health disorder which affects the natural color of dog coat and then turns the dog completely gray. In most of the cases, dogs also experience excess hair loss and hair softening, which in turn affects their coat texture. If this condition has affected your dog, consulting a vet can be helpful. Using some shampoos and careful watch on the dog can also solve the problem to some great extent.


    • It is often found that dogs in some areas are prone to premature graying of hairs. If that is the case with your dog, then the water that the dog drinks can be the cause behind the problem. Researchers have found that some chlorinated or fluoridated waters can affect the health of dogs to a great extent and can also lead to premature graying of hairs.

    Unnatural Food

    • This is also another important factor contributing to the growth of premature graying of hairs in dogs. People often feed grains and vegetables to their dogs, which stress the pancreas and liver. Dogs are carnivores and it is always recommended to provide them meat, which they can digest at ease. Grasses or berries are consumed by dogs only for self-medication purposes and should not be provided regularly.