How to Get Nettles Out of a Dog's Hair

Dogs tend to spend a lot of time running through or lounging in grass. This can lead to nettles or burrs getting caught in their fur. These nettles can be painful for the dog and annoying for us. You can use several remedies at home to remove nettles before they become too tangled in the dog's fur.

Things You'll Need

  • Metal dog comb
  • Vegetable oil
  • Scissors (preferable blunt, such as children's scissors)
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    • 1

      Brush the nettles out with a dog comb. This should be done as soon as you notice them. Otherwise, they will accumulate and pull at the skin.

    • 2

      Apply vegetable oil to you fingers. Rub the oil through the dog's fur until the nettles can be easily removed.

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      Wait until the dog is calm and use scissors to cut the nettles out. Cut a small amount at a time and stay away from the skin. When in doubt, pinch the area you plan to cut. If you pinch skin, the dog's reaction will alert you before you injure it with the scissors.