How Can I Get My Yorkie's Hair Thick & Silky?

In the show ring, Yorkshire terriers sport impressive, shiny floor-length hair. Keeping their hair in this condition requires daily maintenance -- Yorkies have fine hair that is prone to matting, especially during flea and tick season. Owners must groom their pet daily, bathe him regularly and keep him healthy to maintain a show-quality coat. Though time consuming, caring for a Yorkie's fur is an enjoyable experience that will keep your dog looking and feeling his best.

Things You'll Need

  • Small scissors
  • Dog pin brush
  • Dog slicker brush
  • Pet spray detangling product
  • Flea comb
  • Flea and tick control product
  • Tweezers
  • Dog shampoo
  • Cream rinse
  • Roller brush
  • Blow dryer
  • Spray conditioner
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      Feed your pet a healthy, vet-approved diet. Limit the number of treats you give him, and never feed table scraps. Give your pet as much water as he can drink. A healthy diet and lots of water will keep your dog's coat looking its best.

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      Exercise your pet for at least an hour a day. Exercise keeps your pet's body and coat in good shape.

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      Brush your pet daily. Use a pin brush first, then with a slicker brush for a shiny finish. Use a pet spray detangling product to loosen tangles. If you encounter any mats along the way, gently work them out with your fingers and a slicker brush. Cut out stubborn mats with small scissors.

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      Trim around your dog's rectum, ears and feet to prevent dirt and body waste from getting in his fur.

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      Check your dog for fleas and ticks. These parasites annoy your pet and cause him to scratch, resulting in tangles. If you notice parasites on your pet, treat him with a vet-recommended flea and tick control product. If unsure whether your pet has parasites, comb through his fur with a flea comb to detect them.

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      Bathe your dog every seven to 10 days. Use dog shampoo, since human shampoo can irritate dog skin. Follow with a cream rinse to make your pet's fur more manageable and add shine.

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      Blow dry your pet after his bath while brushing his fur with a roller brush. This will keep his coat smooth and full.

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      Spray your pet's pin brush with spray conditioner and brush your pet to renew his coat's luster between baths.