How to Trim Canine Paw Pads

Frequently trimming your dog's nails is an essential part of canine care. But a dog's nails are not the only part of its feet that need attention. Medium and long-haired breeds often have long strands of hair that grow around the paw pads. If you have wood floors, it is especially important to keep the paw hair trimmed to prevent injuries from poor traction. Other than preventing your dog from gripping household flooring, long paw hair can cause painful matting, hide harmful debris or promote infection. Keeping your dog's paw hair trimmed promotes a healthy, active pet.

Things You'll Need

  • Sharp hair scissors
  • Dog treats
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    • 1

      Approach your dog when it is relaxed and its paws are clean and dry.

    • 2

      Massage your dog's legs by starting at the top and moving slowly down the dog's paw to prepare your dog for its feet to be touched.

    • 3

      Check in between the paw pads for pieces of outdoor debris.

    • 4

      Pull the hair from the bottom of the dog's paw up through the dog's toes so that the hair from underneath the dog's paw sticks up between each toe.

    • 5

      Hold the hair sticking up between the toes in between you fingers. With your other hand, trim the hair.

    • 6

      Look at the bottom of the dog's paw to make sure you have not missed any hair.

    • 7

      Softly praise your dog and offer a treat before working on the next paw.