Substitutions for Flea Shampoo

No matter how careful you are or how many precautions you put in place, your cat or dog may still pick up fleas at some stage during their life. Removing the fleas is important, but using traditional flea shampoo can cause skin rashes or allergic reactions in some pets. If you know that your pet has such an allergy or you do not want to take the risk, there are a few easy and natural ways to prevent and kill fleas instead.
  1. Baby Shampoo

    • Substitute your flea shampoo with one that is made from baby shampoo. By using baby shampoo, your pets skin will not be harmed and this will reduce the chances of allergic reactions. Wash your dog using the shampoo like you would bathe it normally. This shampoo will effectively kill fleas if mixed in with mint leaves, as fleas are repelled by mint. Leave the shampoo on your dogs coat for five minutes before washing it off for effective results.

    Essential Oil Shampoo

    • Fleas are repelled by the smell of essential oils, so bathing your dog in a shampoo containing them will be effective protection. Oils such as geranium, rosewood, myrrh, opoponax and lavender are commonly used. These shampoos are readily available from most pet stores or you could make it yourself - but make sure you find a reliable recipe before doing so.

    Flea Collars

    • If you are worried that bathing your pet in any form of shampoo, whether natural or not, you should do all you can to prevent the need for flea shampoos. The most effective way to do so is to buy a flea collar. These collars carry a smell that fleas do not like and consequently will prevent them from attaching themselves to your pet. They are cheap to buy and should be changed regularly.

    Brewer's Yeast

    • Many pet owners swear by the rule that 1 teaspoon of brewer's yeast mixed in with your pets food will prevent fleas from latching onto your pet. When brewers yeast is fed to dogs, they digest it and thiamine is released into all parts of their body. Thiamine is a natural flea poison, and if fleas bite your pet they will be instantly killed. This is a highly effective and totally natural flea repellent -- a key reason why is it so popular with pet owners throughout the country.