How to Prevent Pet Hair in the House

Pets can be a great addition to your family, but they require maintenance and a few extra minutes each day in cleaning your home. This is especially true for pets that shed a lot. If you have an allergy or if you don't want to clean pet hair, purchase an animal that does not have hair or that does not shed its hair very often. Take several precautions to preventing pet hair from coating your home.

Things You'll Need

  • Pet brush
  • Fatty acid supplement
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      Brush the pet each day with a grooming brush designed for that specific species. Brush the animal outside, if possible. Remove hair from the brush as soon as it is full and throw the hair away. This process will also clean the animal and make its hair softer.

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      Bathe the animal every week. This will help remove hair that is going to fall out and will nourish the coat so that it doesn't shed too often.

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      Enhance the animal's diet by feeding it food that is specifically designed for that animal. Avoid feeding your pet human food. An animal's tendency to shed may be related to its health. Unhealthy animals will shed more.

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      Give your pet a fatty acid supplement, but only after consulting with your veterinarian to ensure that it is right for your pet. Fatty acids will help strengthen the coat.