What Are the Primary Shedding Seasons for Golden Retrievers?

Dogs are man's best friend but quite often the maid's worst nightmare. Shedding on long-haired breeds, such as the golden retriever, can quickly turn the family pet into the family pest. However, with proper grooming and upkeep, the retriever's excess dog hair becomes a minor nuisance. Knowing your dog's shedding season will not only simplify this task, but it will also benefit your golden retriever's health.
  1. Shedding

    • Golden retrievers shed all year in small amounts. However, they also have major shedding points twice a year, in which they lose their entire coats. The two major shedding times will vary depending on the area where the golden retriever lives. Generally the times will be spring and fall when the weather begins to get warmer and again when it begins to get cooler. This can also vary with each dog, with some shedding more heavily than others.


    • Golden retrievers have a double coat and must be groomed weekly. The double coat helps protect the dog from the cold in the winter and the heat in the summer. The golden retriever's coat should be maintained with an undercoat rake and a good bristle brush. Setting up and maintaining a regular grooming schedule for the dog will greatly reduce shedding. The golden retriever's coat should not be shaved. This will remove the protection the coat gives the dog from the climate.

    Coat Health

    • Golden retrievers have beautiful coats. The coat's waterproof design protects the dog when it dives into the water to retrieve. Yet without proper care, the skin underneath is prone to a variety of problems. The dog's skin may have hot spots and seborrhea, and may also develop skin infections. These problems can be avoided with proper coat care and refraining from shaving the coat.

    Things to Consider

    • The golden retriever is not the right dog for everyone. They are smart, intelligent and loyal to their family. However, they do shed a lot and their coats take a lot of work to maintain. Without proper care of the coat, health issues may arise and drive up your veterinarian bills. The breed is also highly energetic. It is not for those who do not go out often and are not willing to give the dog daily exercise.