How to Trim the Toenails of a Shar-Pei

Shar-pei dogs are a Chinese breed that are medium-size dogs with a wrinkled face and body and a large muzzle. Chinese Shar-peis have small nails that are easy to trim when they are young; however, when they grow up their nails become dark and thick, which can make them hard to trim. Trimming your shar-pei's nails can either be a difficult task or a calm experience for both you and your pet. Learn to trim your shar-pei's nails the proper way to avoid catastrophe.

Things You'll Need

  • Friend's assistance
  • Dog guillotine toenail clippers
  • Muzzle (if necessary)
  • Styptic powder
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      Take your shar-pei outside to trim its nails on a sunny day. The day light will allow you to see the dog's quick better even through the dark and thick nail. This is important because you do not want to cut the dog's quick. The quick is the blood vessel inside the dog's nail.

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      Ask a friend to hold your shar-pei's head and comfort it by petting it and soothing it while you hold the shar-pei's body between your legs. Use a muzzle on the dog if you deem it necessary.

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      Lift a leg of the shar-pei and cut the nails 1/8 of an inch at a time. It is absolutely crucial that you only cut the dog's toenails 1/8 of an inch at a time. This prevents you from cutting into the dog's quick, which will cause it to bleed. If you do accidentally cut the quick, immediately apply styptic powder to the cut so that it will heal.

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      Trim the shar-pei's dewclaw if they still have them. The dewclaw is the dog's "thumbnail" and is higher on its leg on the inside of the leg above the foot. Most breeders remove the dewclaws from the shar-pei when they are young, but some puppies and older dogs may still have them. If your dog's dewclaws are not properly trimmed and maintained, they can grow into the dog's leg. Consult a veterinarian if your shar-pei's dewclaws are starting to curl into its legs. They may need to be surgically removed.