How to Trim Dog Claws That Are Really Long

Almost all dogs will need to have their claws trimmed at some point. Taking your dog for a walk on hard surfaces, such as concrete, can help keep nails from getting very long. However, if it has been a while since the nails have been trimmed, then they might have grown excessively long. If you don't want to hire a professional groomer to do the trimming, then you will need to learn how to effectively and safely trim your dog's nails yourself.

Things You'll Need

  • Dog nail clippers
  • Treats
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    • 1

      Use a sharp pair of dog nail clippers for your dog's claws. The clippers need to be designed specifically for dogs. If the blade is dull, replace it before continuing.

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      Command your dog to lie down. Then, give it a praise or a treat. Positive encouragement can help make the process easier if your dog is not used to it yet.

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      Hold up your dog's paw. You will be trimming the nails one paw at a time.

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      Get a helper if your dog is being difficult. For safety reasons, the dog needs to remain still while you're trimming the claws. Ask the person to help keep the dog still, give praise and pet your dog to encourage the good behavior.

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      Look for the quick. With white nails, you can see the quick as a pinkish spot within the nail. With dark nails, you need to first trim a small part of the nail and then look at it from straight on. The quick will be a small dark circle within the nail. This spot has a group of nerve endings that you cannot clip.

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      Clip the very tip of your dog's nails using the clippers. Even if the nails are very long, you can only trim off the pointed tip. Otherwise, you will hit the quick, which will bleed and be very painful for your dog.

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      Trim off more of your dog's nails once a sharp tip grows again. This could take a few weeks. Gradually, you will be able to decrease the length of the nails. Keep in mind that trimming long nails too quickly is ineffective, painful and dangerous.