Grooming Ideas for Siberian Huskies

Siberian huskies require minimal grooming; as a Nordic breed, their thick double coats keep them warm in the winter and cool in the summer, and should never be shaved or trimmed. Huskies require more intensive grooming during shedding season, and a regular grooming routine throughout the year ensures that your Siberian's coat remains thick and healthy.
  1. Brushing or Raking the Coat

    • Brushing creates a good opportunity to bond with your Siberian husky and check for skin conditions, lumps, and fleas and ticks. If your husky is "blowing its coat," which happens twice a year when the new guard (or outer) coat is growing in, you might want to use a shedding blade or a coat rake to remove the loose hair.

      Always start near the head and brush against the lay of the coat first to reach the bottom layer, then brush with the lay of the coat for the top layer. Spraying water mixed with a little conditioner (preferably one formulated for dogs, but you can use products designed for horses, if necessary) onto your Siberian husky's coat can help you work through mats and tangles without damaging the hair.


    • Bathing your Siberian husky too often can dry out its skin and coat, so many owners bathe their Siberians during shedding season (when their coats aren't as thick) to help remove the loose hair. Always bathe your husky in warm water and use good-quality dog shampoo appropriate for its skin and coat condition. Human shampoo is too harsh for a dog's skin, but you can use baby shampoo if necessary.

      Wet your Siberian husky thoroughly and massage shampoo into its coat from the neck down. A rubber curry brush or grooming mitt can help remove loose hair and dirt. Rinse your Siberian and towel-dry it thoroughly. You can finish with a blow dryer if your dog is still damp. Shampoo residue on a dog's skin or coat, or dampness remaining in the coat, can cause hot spots.

    Trimming Nails

    • If you keep your Siberian husky outside or take it for regular walks, chances are its nails will be worn down naturally. But it's still a good idea to check your Siberian's nails regularly to make sure they don't grow too long and make walking uncomfortable.

      Nail clippers for dogs come in two styles, guillotine and scissor. Some owners prefer to use small rotary power tools (such as Dremels) to file down nails, but the sound can make some dogs nervous. If your husky is not used to having its nails trimmed, be patient and reward it after trimming each nail. And always keep styptic powder on hand in case you cut into the quick. Cornstarch or flour will do in a pinch.

    Other Grooming Ideas

    • Siberian huskies are active dogs and love to spend time outside. So it's possible you might be faced with the task of cleaning dirt out of your husky's ears, or removing fleas and ticks.

      You can either buy an ear wash or make your own using 5 tsp. of boric acid powder, 1 1/2 cups of white vinegar and 2 1/2 cups of water. Moisten a cotton ball and gently rub the inside of your Siberian's ears, being careful not to drip water down the ear canal.

      Remove fleas with a flea comb and ticks with forceps or tweezers before bathing your husky with a flea and tick shampoo to remove the rest. To avoid leaving the tick's head buried in your dog's skin, cover the tick with petroleum jelly, then remove it when it comes up to breathe.