How to Band a Poodle Head Piece

Poodles are well-known for their long, curly coats, which require lots of grooming. The hair on top of a poodle's head is referred to as a top-knot or head piece, and must also be groomed specially to keep the hair out of the dog's eyes. An easy way to keep the head piece well groomed is to use latex bands to keep the hair pulled up.

Things You'll Need

  • Slicker brush
  • Comb with separator end
  • Latex dog hair bands
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    • 1

      Brush the hair on top of the dog's head thoroughly with the slicker brush so that there are no tangles or knotted areas. Brush the hair from front to back, and also from back to front.

    • 2

      Gather the long hair from the top of the poodle's head into one hand. Using your other hand, use the separator end of the comb to make a part in the hair starting from the outside corner of one of the dog's eyes, and part straight over the top of its head to the outside corner of the other eye. Hold this section of hair in one hand. Use the slicker brush to smooth this section of hair back, still holding the section separate.

    • 3

      Wrap one of the latex bands around the section of hair as close to the scalp as possible. Wrap the band two to three times so that it is secure. The section of hair should be pointing toward the dog's nose.

    • 4

      Hold the dog's head steady with one hand, and, using the other hand, gently pull the end of the front of the hair section straight back away from the dog's face. Allow the band to move slightly as the hair repositions. This should create a slight dome shape of hair between the band and the dog's forehead.

    • 5

      Smooth the outer edges of the banded hair toward the dog's ears. This will increase the shape of the dome of hair a little bit more and loosen the band to a comfortable position. The band should still be close to the dog's head on the backside of the head piece.